Charge Well Terminal Blocks
Charge Well Terminal Blocks
Just bolt these onto your bulkheads using the included hardware. Each Charge Well Terminal Block has internal brass threads with Ruthex heat set inserts (yes, there is a difference) , brass washers, thumb nuts, and bolt-insulating sleeves (to mount on aluminum or carbon) and stainless steel bolts. Just attach your wires from your altimeter to the bolts on the bottom side of your bulkhead and your e-match using the thumb nuts, and you are ready to go.
Provided are insulationg sleeves if you run metal/alumimum bulk heads.
There are two sizes available, 2G or 4G. Both use the same nuts and design.
There is no price differnece between the two as the true cost is the labor to install the heat set insert and hardware.
Sold in pairs with a drilling template.
I love these ! So much easier for connections… Thank you